Running Locally

Using Vagrant / VirtualBox (simple)

AshTag is packaged as a Vagrant project, which allows you to get up and running quickly using a virtual machine. You will need to download and install the following:

Clone the AshTag repository into a directory of your choosing:

# Note use "git://" for read-only access
git clone
cd ashtag

Now setup the VM using vagrant:

# Start the VM. As the VM doesn't exist, this will download and
# configure it
vagrant up

Once complete, you can SSH into the sever and run the django development server:

# SSH into the VM
vagrant ssh
# You are now on the virtual machine, so you can run the django dev server

You should now be able to open in your web browser.

The files in your cloned repository will be kept in sync with those on the VM, so you can go ahead and start editing files locally.


runserver is simply and alias for the somewhat longer command: runserver

Starting and Stopping the Virtual Machine

When you are finished working on the project, you can shut down the virtual machine to save on system resources:

# Shut down the VM
vagrant halt

When you come back to the project, you can simply start it using:

# Start the VM again (as the VM exists, this will be a relatively fast)
vagrant up

Reconfiguring the Virtual Machine

If the Vagrant config or build scripts change it will probably be necessary to rebuild the VM. To do this, simply destroy and recreate it:

vagrant destroy
vagrant up

Using virtualenvwrapper on Mac OS X (more involved)

This section of the guide assumes you already have virtualenvwrapper setup. Checkout the virtualenvwrapper documentation for details of how to do this.

First, you will need to checkout the code:

# Note use "git://" for read-only access
git clone
cd ashtag

Setting up the Environment

Install the dependencies for the local development environment (note you have to install django first, because django-registration has a bug):

pip install Django==1.5.1
pip install -r requirements/localdev.txt

Now edit your environment’s postactivate hook to include the following:

# Add this to your postactive hook ($VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate)
export PYTHONPATH="$PROJECT_HOME/ashtag/src:$PROJECT_HOME/ashtag/lib"
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=ashtag.settings.localdev


Ensure you replace RANDOM STRING HERE with a random string, especially for deployment.

And now souce the file to load the new settings into your environment:

source $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate

Setup Postgres / PostGIS

Outside your virtual environment:

sudo pip install numpy
brew update
brew install gdal

For those on Mac OS X, we recommend using ``_. In order to enable the spatial element, simply create a database (let’s call it ashtag) and then enable the spatial element:

createdb -h localhost ashtag
psql -h localhost ashtag

ashtag=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis;

In theory, that’s it...

Note that we do -h localhost because the is not using the normal sockets approach, rather it binds to (or by default I think) on port 5432. If you’re using linux then probably you don’t need that bit.

Start it up

Now sync the db and start the development server: syncdb migrate runserver